When are Termites Most Active on the Gold Coast?

Wed, Oct 18, 2023

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Termites are most active when you find them in your home! Take it as a given that they will be foraging outside in your garden all year round trying to find a way in.

When are Termites Most Active on the Gold Coast?

Are Termites an Issue on the Gold Coast?

Termites can appear anytime!

Termites, often called the “silent destroyers,” are a constant concern for homeowners on the Gold Coast. Understanding when these pests are most active can be crucial in safeguarding your property.

Several factors, including seasons, rainfall, your suburb environment, and construction types, play a significant role in determining when termites are most active.

Common Questions about Termites:

When are termites most active - Day or Night?

Termites operate 24/7. They don’t know daytime as they are always in their subterranean tunnels and are blind!

What time of the day are termites active?

Eating time! Basically, they will forage, eat and move around all hours of the day. But you might hear them more at night when the house is quiet.

Are Termites active in Winter?

Yes, termites are active during the months of winter here on the Gold Coast. But they are less active than in the warmer and more humid months of summer.

When are Flying Termites Most Active?

On the Gold Coast, Flying Termites (Alates) take to flight from October to March. Read more below.

Can you hear termites?

Yes, when the house quietens down, you might hear a very faint gnawing noise as their cutting jaws chew the timber. Or you might hear a ’tapping’ noise emanate from the wall when you disturb them

Hearing termites in your wall

Seasonal Fluctuations

Termites on the Gold Coast, like elsewhere, exhibit seasonal variations in their activity levels. In subtropical regions such as the Gold Coast, termites remain active throughout the year, but there are still peak periods to be aware of:

Spring and Summer

Warmer temperatures during spring and summer provide ideal conditions for termite colonies to thrive. The increased heat and humidity is a trigger for the Queen to produce more eggs and to encourage the worker termites to forage more actively for food.

Gold Coast weather chart - Termites

Autumn and Winter

As the weather starts to cool down in autumn and winter, termite activity decreases. However, this does not mean termites go dormant. They continue to feed and maintain their colonies, albeit at a slower pace. It’s crucial to remember that in the Gold Coast’s milder climate, termites remain a year-round concern.

Flying Termites (Alates) - October to February.

One of the most visible signs of termite activity is the emergence of flying termites or Alates. These winged termites are reproductive members of the colony, and their primary purpose is to establish new termite nests.

Flying Termites called Alates

Flying termite swarms are commonly observed during spring and summer evenings, especially after rain showers. If you see a termite swarm around your property, it’s a clear indication of nearby termite activity.

Climate Change Impact - Termites - They are coming South!

Climate change can have a significant impact on termite activity. Rising temperatures and shifting weather patterns may extend the active seasons for termites on the Gold Coast. Warmer winters may result in termites remaining active year-round, posing an increased threat to homes and structures.

Construction Types - Can increase termite activity

The type of construction and certain architectural details can significantly influence the risk of termite infestation. Let’s delve a bit deeper into some of these factors:

Concealed termite ingress through brick foootings

  1. Embedded Brick Footings: These provide an easy pathway for termites. Bricks are porous, and they can retain moisture. This makes them a conducive environment for termites. When these bricks are in contact with the soil, subterranean termites can travel through the weep holes or gaps in the mortar and reach the structural wood parts of a home without detection.
  2. Structural Timbers in Contact with the Ground: Termites are subterranean by nature, meaning they live underground. When timber, which is a primary food source for them, is in direct contact with the soil (like a wooden post or stump), it provides a direct highway for the termites to reach their food without having to expose themselves. This is especially risky when the timber is untreated or not protected by a termite barrier system.
  3. Landscaping Too High Against External Perimeter: Mulch, soil, or garden beds that are placed too high against the home can provide concealed access for termites. This landscaping can also trap moisture against the foundation of the home, making the environment even more conducive for termites.
  4. Lack of Proper Drainage: This can lead to excessive moisture near the foundation of the home. Termites are attracted to moisture, so areas with poor drainage can be fuel stations for termite activity.
  5. Voids and Cracks in the Foundation: Any gaps or breaches in the foundation or slab of a home can provide an entry point for termites. This is particularly the case for slab-on-ground constructions where small gaps or cracks can go unnoticed. Check your weepholes regularly.
  6. Inadequate Ventilation in your subfloor: A lack of proper ventilation can lead to moisture build-up, which can be inviting to termites. Especially in crawl spaces or basements, proper ventilation can help reduce the risk.

Protecting Your Property Year-Round

Given the subtropical climate and consistent termite presence on the Gold Coast, proactive termite management is essential. Here are some steps you can take to protect your property year-round:

Regular Inspections

Schedule annual termite inspections by a licensed pest control professional. Regular inspections help detect termite activity early, allowing for timely intervention.

Termite Treatment/Barriers

Consider installing physical or chemical termite treatment around your property. These treatments can deter termites from gaining concealed entry into your home.

Monitoring Stations

Utilize termite monitoring stations that can alert you to termite activity. These stations are strategically placed around your property to detect termite presence.

Timely Maintenance

Address moisture issues, fix leaks, and keep the garden away from the perimeter. Moisture attracts termites, so keeping your property dry is crucial.

Professional Termite Advice

Seek professional advice on the best termite management system for your home. At Conquer Termites, we have experienced pest control specialists who provide tailored recommendations for your specific needs.

Termites are Thriving All Year Round on the Gold Coast

So why wait for them to arrive in your home?

Don’t wait until termites become a problem – take proactive steps to safeguard your home against these silent destroyers - Call Conquer Termites now.

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