Invasive Inspection for Termites

When is an Invasive Inspection for Termites necessary?

A big frustration for home buyers is getting a report recommending an “Invasive” inspection. The problem is that it’s not your home to pull things away or cut access points to check. And then there’s the question; is it really necessary?

Normally, an inspector will suggest this invasive approach only when there’s a strong suspicion of termite activity in a particular area. It shouldn’t be a generalized recommendation to absolve them of accountability. Instead, it should be grounded in specific observations.

In many cases, termite damage could be lurking just beyond view, behind wall linings. Without direct visual access, it’s almost impossible to determine the severity of this damage.

The Two Dilemmas - Should you do it?

  1. Delima one: The potential cost and aftermath of removing wall linings or fixtures might exceed the actual costs of termite repair.
  2. Delima two: You could be buying a house with extensive hidden termite damage if you don’t check.

Options for an Invasive Inspection

  1. Start with a time-honoured technique: gently knock on the wall with a closed fist. Listening for the tell-tale signs of crumbling termite residue can provide initial insights.
  2. Strategically insert a Borecsope’ to check inside the wall cavities that doesn’t cause significant damage.
  3. Use a Termatrac Motion Detection Device to confirm the presence of live termites.
  4. Engage a qualified Tradesperson to remove the wall lining. Remember, you can only do this with the permission of the Seller.

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