Pre-construction Treatments on the Gold Coast

Termite Solutions for New Builds (Pre-con)

At Conquer Termites, we vouch for several products tailored for New Builds. Depending on the construction specifics, we might recommend a combination of products or just one solitary application.

  1. FMC Homeguard: This product comes in two forms - as sheeting or as a parging paint. It’s designed to provide a reliable barrier against termites, ensuring they don’t gain access to the property.
  2. Greenzone: This is an Ableflex expansion foam insert embedded with termite-repellent properties. Not only does it serve as a cushioning insert, but it also actively deters termites from encroaching upon the property.
  3. Reticulation System: This system involves the installation of a tube/pipe around the external perimeter of the property. Its primary function is to facilitate the easy redistribution of chemicals at future intervals, ensuring long-term protection against termite invasions.

Each solution has its strengths, and the choice often hinges on the specifics of the construction and the preferences of the homeowner.

Does your Builder have Your long-term interest?

It might come off as a tough query, but unfortunately, this reflects a genuine concern within the construction sector, especially when it comes to adhering to top-notch termite protection standards for new constructions.

The Unsettling Truth of Termite Certification

Let’s clarify: there are numerous dedicated and upright builders operating on the Gold Coast. However, a concerning trend we’ve observed is that a significant fraction are primarily looking to procure the ‘Form 43’ at the lowest possible price. For instance, while you may have been charged $3,000 for the installation of a termite management system, the actual cost might have been a mere $600. You don’t need to be a math expert to see where the extra cash is funnelled!

It’s wise to request a glimpse of the Termite Installer’s invoice. This adds a layer of transparency and ensures you’re getting what you’ve paid for.

Visual Inspection Zones - The Truth

Here’s the crux: the Australian Building Code stipulates the baseline requirement for termite protection certification as halting ‘concealed’ termite entry. Following this, there’s a reliance on a consistent Visual Inspection Zone spanning 75 mm to identify any external breaches.

A significant portion of ‘New Builds’ on the Gold Coast inadvertently or intentionally obscure this Visual Inspection Zone through the addition of pathways, driveways, and landscaping features.

If you take a walk around your newly constructed property and are unable to spot a continuous 75 mm of the slab edge exposed, then it’s not in compliance. Under these conditions, a Form 43 should not be legitimately issued.

Key Points for Visual Inspection Zone:

  1. Communication: Did your Builder inform you about the requirement for periodic inspections of the visual inspection zone are necessary to ensure termite protection?
  2. Integrity of the Inspection Zone: Evaluate whether the stipulated 75 mm visual inspection zone around the slab is actually there. A quick way to assess this is by inspecting the edges of your driveway where it meets the house.
  3. Slab Edge Alterations: The slab edge should remain free from renderings, tiles, claddings, or concealments via flashing. Painting is permissible, but any other coating or alteration compromises the inspection zone.
  4. Additional Attachments: Has any structure like a deck, patio, or cabinetry been added adjacent to the external perimeter, thereby obscuring the visual inspection zone?
  5. Termite Management System: Is there an effective termite prevention system integrated either atop or at the base of the slab edge?

It’s crucial to address these checkpoints to ensure that your property remains compliant with regulations and, more importantly, safe from potential termite invasions.

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We pride ourselves on delivering quality customer service and support. As a family owned and operated organisation we understand the importance of excellent service and customer care.



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